بهدف تمكين طلبة كلية الطب قامت جامعة قسنطينة 3 بإطلاق MSRP حيث تقدم للطلبة دورات تدريبية في مركز التميز في الكتابة تزامنا مع متابعتهم للحالات المرضية في المستشفى الجامعي على يد أطباء اكفأ .تفتح للطلبة آفاق للمنافسة في المحافل المحلية والدولية
With the aim of empowering the students of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Constantine 3 launched the MSRP, offering students training courses at the Center for Excellence in Writing, coinciding with their follow-up of medical cases in the university hospital at the hands of more qualified doctors. It opens up horizons for students to compete in local and international forums...
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The goals that MSRP seeks to achieve
Introducing students into the field of scientific research and enabling them to write scientific research on scientific and academic foundations in an appropriate educational environment.
When does the registration deadline expire?
Registration period ends on February 22( 2024)
How can I obtain medical information at the university hospital?
You can follow up on medical cases. This is other than the information that you can collect from the participating doctors who will assist you with medical information..
Is it required to use the English language?
Yes, it is required to use the English language when writing your scientific research, which will be subject to final evaluation by a dedicated committee.
How long are the training courses?
Training courses extend for 8 to 10 months
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